Reptiles and Amphibians Mini Unit

WALT group plants, animals, and other living things into science-based classifications. We are also going to explore how the groups of living things we have in the world have changed over long periods of time and appreciate that some living things in New Zealand are quite different from living things in other areas of the world.

One challenge I had when doing this task was finding the correct information to answer questions. One thing I really enjoyed about this task was all of the new thing I learnt and the fun task that were on it. This was a really fun task so I hope you like it.


Something happened here NZ’s histories tasks

Here is Molly and I’s something happened here responses for our postcard memory. One challenge that I had when completing the questions was reading cursive and trying to find answers for some of the questions! One thing I really enjoyed this task because of all the things I learnt and it was really awesome working with a friend.


We are learning that people adapted their technologies and tools to the new environment in New Zealand. WE also learnt that individuals and community have responded to international conflicts in a range of ways for a range of reasons. Maori cared for and transformed te taiao, and expressed their connection to place by naming the land and its features. Aotearoa’s participation international conflicts over times reflects our countries changing view of out place in the world and our identity.



School Kit




Photo Reading For The Postcard                                     

  • River and creeks
  • Trees and shrubs
  • River bed with sand
  • Farmland
  • Fencepost?
  • Birds or fish over/in river
  • Architectural photo


Clues for the artifact

  1. Waitaki 
  2. In 1915 Tieke meets a historian James Herries Beattie
  3. This mokihi was in possession of Edward John Robertson who lived in Glenavy and ended up donating the mokihi the the Otago Settlers Museum


Task 1: Travel By Mokihi YR 4-6

  1. Examine the mokihi in the picture


  • Made out of raupo 
  • Tied together well with straw rope or something like that
  • Looks like it is made in 2 parts the rim of where you sit and the boat itself
  • Rope going down the middle maybe moving the boat side to side using fin?
  • Long shape looks pretty fast
  • Light beige colour with lighter and dark parts
  • No added paint or details
  • Long part out front of the boat
  • Architectural Picture 


  1. Watch Mokihi (See how it is made and floats)
  • Made with DRIED raupo
  • Combe like holes in the center of the pant this enables the boat to be more buoyant.
  1. Search paper past then list the rivers that mokihi are used on

The rivers they are used on are

  • Taramakau
  • Waitaki
  • Rakaia
  • Rangitata
  • Use google maps and mark the rivers where mokihi were used


Rangitata River             


                                                                                                    Rakaia River  



  Waitaki River

                                                        Taramakau River     



  1. Use Kā Huru Manu – find the lakes that Tieke journeys to each year. What is in the way that would not have been there in Tieke’s day?

The lakes that he traveled to every year are:

  • Ōhau
  • Takapo
  • Pūkaki

These days on the Ōhau lake on the rivers leading into it there are 3 new dams that you can’t get past using a boat.

Task 2: Navigate The Waitaki YR 7-8

Find the journal pages Tieke gave to Beattie in your School Kit. Note the red dots against some of the names.

Places with red dots 

  • Punaamaru (Old kaika)
  • Teawarnako (Creek)
  • Tekoa Kaumu (Love up above)
  • Temareuherwa (River)
  • Tewaikoura (Creek above)
  • Otekaieke (River)
  • Oteāke (River)
  • Te Awakino (River)
  • Te Awakino ( ….. gully)
  • Te awauhakamau (Next creek)
  • Te Warokuri
  • Tepohoate Rangi Tāmau
  • Ahuriri (River)
  • Ohau (Lake)
  • Te rua Taniwha (Ben ohau)
  1. Look at a google map of the area. Can you see any of the names with a red dot against them on the map?

We found:

  • Otekaieke
  • Te rua Taniwha (Ben Ohau)
  • Ohau (Lake)
  • Ahuriri (River)
  1. Use Kā Huru Manu to identify the Māori place names along the north bank of the Waitaki River from Tieke Pukurākau’s journals.

The places we found on the north bank are:

  • Te rua taniwha (Ben ohau)
  • Ohau (Lake)
  1. The map contains a stream labelled Te Awamoko. Who is Te Awamoko to Ngāi Tahu?

Te Awamoko was an ancestor of the Ārai -te-uru waka that capsized near  Shag Point on the Otago coastline. After capsizing lots of the passengers went onto the shore to look at the land. They needed to be back at their waka by daylight. Many passengers didn’t make it, including Te Awamoko.

  1. Kā Huru Manu holds the names and histories of places from before Pākēha people came to Aotearoa. Why is it important to have a map like Kā Huru Manu?

It is very important that we have a map like Kā Huru Manu because it provides the NZ places history to people. If we did not have a map like this then people would not know many significant pieces of history from NZ. This map is such an Use Kareao to find Te Huruhuru’s Map.awesome way to learn more of NZ history. It also has great photos of the places 🙂 !!!!

  1. Te Huruhuru provided Shortland with the first maps of lakes Wānaka, Hāwea and Whakatipu Waimāori (Wakatipu).
  2. Use Kareao to find Te Huruhuru’s Map.


Task 3: Understand the impact

  1. Te Wharekōrari had an intimate knowledge of the Waitaki Valley, and drew Mantell six maps of the Waitaki River and the lakes of Te Manahuna. Examine Te Wharekōrari’s Map in Kareao.
  2. Use Kareao to find Mantell’s Red Map.

We think this is his red map










Pop Art Self Portrait

WALT use the Techniques of pop art this includes Ben- day dots, Lines and patterns & bright colours.

For visual art we had to make a pop art self portrait we had to include things like Ben-day dots, lines and patterns and very bright colours. First we traced a picture of our face then went over the lines in vivid. After that we started colouring. It was so fun because the portrait didn’t have to look exactly like you. I hope you like it! Maybe you could try it one day.


Day Tramp

We are learning to demonstrate an increasing sense of responsibility for incorporating regular and enjoyable physical activity into their personal lifestyle to enhance well-being.


William Pike Day Tramp


On the 18th of March in Autumn we arrived at school at around 9.00am we left school at 9.30am and started walking to the Omotumotu trail for a day tramp. After the Omotumotu tramp we went to grand jeans. We started the Omotumotu tramp around 10:15 – 10: 30. Our whole class came and some parent helpers included my dad Glen, Gareth, Mark, Kirsty, Luzanne & Sarah and of course Ms Kemp and Ms B. We went on this walk because of the William Pike challenge and the day walk was one of the challenges we had to complete.


The most challenging part of the Omotumotu was probably the hills that we had to climb up and finding the right plants and trees on our checklist. There were so many interesting things on this walk because I had never done it before, we even saw a warehouse trolley in the bushes at the start of the walk. We saw heaps of cool plants like wineberry and these massive kahikatea trees which were so epic.


After the Omotumotu walk we did the grand jeans walk. We walked from the Omotumotu walk to grand jeans and then started. We walked the track and ended up at a beautiful creek that didn’t have much water in it. We crossed the creek in groups and then started climbing a very steep hill. This was definitely the most challenging part of it for me but we got there in the end. At the top of the hill there was a ginormous pine tree. We had lunch here and I hastily devoured my delicious dried fruit. We started descending the hill carefully after lunch and saw some year 9s from Grey High that used to go to our school. When we got to the clear water  again we were allowed to take our shoes off and go into the creek. A few people slipped over because of the slimy rocks but no one got completely soaked which was lucky because we still had to stroll back to school. I enjoyed going in the amazing water the most because it was so refreshing and enjoyable. The water was so clear and beautiful when we got there and when we left it was clear no more!


This day out was such a great one. So many people showed leadership and others stepped out of their comfort zone and did AMAZINGLY!!!! We got back to school at about 1:30pm and we were all pretty tired. Thank you so much to all the parent helpers and Ms Kemp and Ms B!


“To walk in nature is to witness a thousand miracles”

  • Mary Davis

Refugee Poem

WALT  write for an audience. One challenge I have when writing poetry is making it interesting by using great vocabulary.


Do They Know?


Despair and Sadness fills my heart

Unwanted, not needed is all we are

War is upon us we need to go

Bombs rain down as loud as thunder

Shrieks echo throughout the city 


Looking for somewhere we belong

Kilometers and kilometers we quickly run

Just so we are safe and out of harm


Rude, power-hungry people destroying the land

Killing, Torturing, Lying 

Ripping families apart


Some countries welcome us in to their arms

Others turn us away at first sight

Most families help us 

But the rest of them don’t


Do they understand what we have been through

Or do they just think we are like everyone else?


  • Emma Newton, Year 8, Karoro School

William Pike Bike Ride


WALT Demonstrate willingness to accept challenges, learn new skills and strategies, and extend their abilities in movement-related activities.


Our Bike Ride!


On the 8th of April our class and some parent helpers including Rachel, Louise, Joel, Angus, Ainslie, Sarah & Tracey biked to Kumara. We undertook this ride as part of the William Pike Challenge. We started at Watsons creek at about 9:00am and biked to Kumara and back we arrived back at school by about 2:30pm so we were out for about 5 hours. We are so lucky here on the West Coast because for most of the bike we were riding beside the Tasman Sea. Guess what, we biked 48 km in total which is so COOL!!!!

Our class had quite a few stops along the way. First we went from Watsons Creek to Mill Creek with the amazing Thomas in front on his awesome balance bike! After that we biked to the Gladstone shelter and had a bit of a stop there then to Camerons hall where someone had to ride a different bike from because their tyre popped on the New River bridge. From there we biked to the Taramakau River where we had morning tea. Many people wanted to go swimming and fishing there! When everyone had had some snacks we kept going and turned down Tramway road and continued to Kumara. We passed some amazing scenery such as the Kumara Chasm and many other cool things like pohutukawa and rata and of course beautiful birds such as Piwakawaka.


When we got to Kumara we had a play in the playground and ate our lunch. When everyone had eaten their lunch and was ready to go we started the long haul back to school.


 On the way back to school it definitely felt like it went quicker as it always does for me. For me the best part was seeing everyone stepping out of their comfort zone and just being out with my friends for the day. Also I loved seeing this massive bike with a pipe guy on it which had been moved from town to the cycle trail. 


The hardest thing for me was probably how sore my legs got. Luckily they stopped hurting after a while but they still HURT!!! When we arrived back at Watson’s Creek we walked back to school and many people then collapsed on the floor. They were so exhausted.


“It’s not a race, It’s a journey enjoy the moment”

  • Pres. Dieter F. Uchtdorf


Sea Week Poem

WALT write for an audience. One challenge I have when writing poetry is making sure I add in the personification and Alliteration and other things like that.


The Sea


Seagulls sweep the shore and sky

seals twist and turn in wild waves 

sunbathe on jagged rocks

people swim amongst pleasant waves


coral reefs shelter many of the ocean’s wonders

seaweed clusters wave to passers-by

algae covered rocks

snails and crabs collecting their feed for the day


dolphins dive and sharks search for prey

stingrays drift as slow as clouds

colorful fish hurry by


the ocean roof rough and scary

roaring of fishing boats echo throughout the vast ocean

they are searching for food

for sea life!

the creatures dive for safety


By Emma